Countering Racism in our Community
\nCountering Racism in our Community
As our society faces racial justice and equality issues, Balanced Body is examining how we can help change the face of Pilates, by increasing the number of Black Pilates professionals and Black clients and practitioners. We recognize that, in the United States, people of African descent have been systematically disenfranchised for over 400 years. And while we recognize it will take time and perseverance, Balanced Body is committed to helping drive real, tangible change in the Pilates industry.
\nDiversity in Pilates
\nAnd specific to our industry, Pilates has been perceived as the domain of wealthy white women (and occasionally white men) since its inception. This led to very few professional Pilates education opportunities for people of color. It also created a dearth of Black clients as Pilates was not seen as Black community-friendly, and often cost prohibitive. Today, thanks largely to Black Instructors who have persevered and made Pilates their own, and a slew of Black athletes, actors and musicians who’ve popularized Pilates in the Black community, diversity has started appearing in Pilates.
\nAs the largest manufacturer of Pilates equipment globally, and one of the biggest Pilates education programs in the world, Balanced Body has identified opportunities to expand career opportunities for Black instructors through our programs. We believe by creating more Black teachers, we will also be creating “I see myself in that person” role models and more safe and welcoming Pilates spaces for Black clients.